Instalation is simple and composed of few steps:
- create directory and copy there all necessary classes
- create directory with event classes
- define all yours events classes (they have to observe some rules - more info on bottom this site)
- create directory with language classes and copy there predefinied lang classes (english and polish)
- create templates diretory (You can use predefined Template class which implements Smarty Template System)
- (optional) - create .htaccess file and put in line "ForceType application/x-httpd-php"
(this is for "good" looking URL's :)
- because this framework at this time use global var $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] to manage events and sends params and URL like:
'http://server/main.application/main/start' is better than
- (optional) - create configuration directory (not necessary because controller class have definied default values for configuration)